Used Cars

Once i'm in, i go fifty-fifty on
all the graft i take in. Politics, luke!

It's my chance to do something
with my life. Go places, meet people...

maybe even meet some broad...
still looking, huh, rudy?
I don't want to be stuck
on this dusty lot for the rest of my life.

I wanna make something out of myself,
have people look up at me for a change.

This is my once in a lifetime deal.
I took out a second mortgage
on my mobile home.

I cashed in my insurance policies,
sold my car and i'm still ten grand short.

Toby, get me a phillip's screwdriver.
Listen, i got some promotional ideas
that'll flood this place with prospects.

I found two electronics whizz-kids.
They know how to jam a football game
and sneak in some commercials.

Now, we get these strippers, big tits...
you know, i think we'll put
this baby on the line...

i can't fool with this forever.
Sixteen months is long enough.

No, toby, i said a phillip's screwdriver.
Luke, can i ask you something?
Why are we giving these cars away?

We're not giving them away.
School district's paying me 1200 apiece.

I can get 3950 apiece for these cars.
Those are the 1200 apiece cars.
What? These?
You are the craziest,
most irresponsible operator i ever met.

And when you stand there and tell me
that you want to be a politician...

i know you're right.
All right, i'll lend you the ten grand.

No shit, luke?
I wouldn't kid you
about something like that.

We'll go down to the bank in the morning.
Only i don't want to jam any football
games and i don't want any strippers.

Goddam, all right, luke! I love ya!
