Used Cars

you know, i think we'll put
this baby on the line...

i can't fool with this forever.
Sixteen months is long enough.

No, toby, i said a phillip's screwdriver.
Luke, can i ask you something?
Why are we giving these cars away?

We're not giving them away.
School district's paying me 1200 apiece.

I can get 3950 apiece for these cars.
Those are the 1200 apiece cars.
What? These?
You are the craziest,
most irresponsible operator i ever met.

And when you stand there and tell me
that you want to be a politician...

i know you're right.
All right, i'll lend you the ten grand.

No shit, luke?
I wouldn't kid you
about something like that.

We'll go down to the bank in the morning.
Only i don't want to jam any football
games and i don't want any strippers.

Goddam, all right, luke! I love ya!
I'm on my way!
Ask not what your country's done for you,
ask what you've just done for your country!

Are you okay?
Hey, are you all right, luke?

I'm just not used to
all that kind of excitement.

Here... jesus, i'm sorry, luke.
Here, take a pill.

I'll be all right.
You just promise me one thing.

When you buy that election,
become a big-shot politician...

promise me you'll keep my brother
from getting his hands on this lot.

They know, don't they, sam?
They know they're about to have
the best freeway access in the state.

Nobody knows, roy.
It won't be announced for a few weeks yet.

I suggest you torch this museum and buy
out your brother with the insurance money.

If i could buy him out, do you think
i would try to have him put away?
