You've been saying that for days, Dooley.
I would appreciate it because I have to file.
The candidate is very interested in you,
he reads your clippings every day,
I make sure he sees them.
- Dooley...
- Yeah?
Excuse me.
Thank you. Oh, hi.
Oh, excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Somebody sitting there?
- Er, no.
Oh, jeez, I'm sorry.
They never search me. Honest face.
Fortunate it's me and not some maniac.
You could raise some real hell with this.
Torture a stewardess, hold the pilot at bay,
slash all the wiring.
- Want some?
- No, thanks.
Lot of C in there, vitamin C.
Well, I get very greedy with my supplies
once we're airborne.
Back on board the campaign special.
Just made the plane after a flock
of poisoned ravens dive-bombed my car.
The candidate is probably under sedation
in his compartment.
Last night he was at the hotel pool
doing stunt dives for two cocktail waiters