It was more than five cents.
- Eat, Whitey.
It was five cents.
The soup is cold.
- Stop whining.
That's hot.
- You've just been in the Demer.
I'm going to drown myself.
Then you'll be rid of me.
Are you going to do that naked, too?
- You'll get a shock when I'm dead.
Just say if you want cold potatoes.
Eat them yourself.
When I say silence, I mean silence.
But I didn't say anything.
- I said 'silence'.
School is almost over
and you still don't know anything.
Look at him standing there.
D'you know now, clever clogs?
- I'm still working it out.
You'd be better walking naked
along the street, ugly.
I heard about that.
I'll take you in hand this afternoon.
Then you'll remember your lesson.
Then you'll be in trouble with father
because I've got to go to work.
Can you remember?
Give it to father Ambrosius and say:
Here you are, Father,
with the compliments of farmer Coene.
I think so.
- Don't think, know.
Make sure
you don't lose your trousers again.
Liza, Hein says hello.