Bet they call you Whitey, don't they?
- Yes, Father.
That's because of my hair
but my real name is Lewie.
Lewie Verheyden.
I suppose you got it from your father?
- Yes, he's called Verheyden, too.
And how's it going at school, Whitey?
The master always wants me to learn
things just when I don't feel like it.
But in a couple of weeks
it'll be finished.
And then?
Then I have to go and work on the land,
like everyone else.
At home?
No, at farmer Coene's. The old grump.
Nis, you'll never believe it.
It's all clean and white there.
As clean and as white as in heaven.
- Have you ever seen heaven?
And all the corridors are white.
And you can't hear anything.
Only the monks singing like angels.
- Angels are girls.
And they've got a garden
full of flowers.
Strong beer.
And a room as big as a church
full of books.