Coene. I'd much rather
work for the monks.
The Count of Flanders? Make sure
you serve mass properly first.
When I do this and kneel,
d'you know what you have to do?
Yes, yes, Father.
- Yes?
The sprinkler.
In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Dearly beloved.
A few days ago
I was sitting on the train to Hasselt.
Opposite me
was a man reading his newspaper.
The man looked like a labourer,
from a farming family.
He was wearing
patched but clean working clothes.
But the newspaper he was reading,
dearly beloved,
I know the name of that newspaper.
You all know
the name of that newspaper.
I will not say
the name of that dirty rag,
that is the instrument of the godless,
the heretics and the Freemasons,