In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Dearly beloved.
A few days ago
I was sitting on the train to Hasselt.
Opposite me
was a man reading his newspaper.
The man looked like a labourer,
from a farming family.
He was wearing
patched but clean working clothes.
But the newspaper he was reading,
dearly beloved,
I know the name of that newspaper.
You all know
the name of that newspaper.
I will not say
the name of that dirty rag,
that is the instrument of the godless,
the heretics and the Freemasons,
here in this place.
I put out my finger
to tap the man on his shoulder
when I saw that he was asleep.
Not a peaceful sleep, no.
His face was distorted
into a demented grimace.
The man hadn't fallen asleep.
He'd passed away.
But he wasn't resting in Christ,
he'd died reading
that terrible newspaper.
Dearly beloved,
like many others, this man had become
the prey and victim
of foolishness,
of those groups
that call themselves socialists.
Those who claim to be
the friends of the workers,