Come on, sit down.
- Sit down.
Staying sitting down.
- Yes, OK.
That's enough now. Have a drink
and leave each other alone.
And give us something, too.
- What would you like?
Two glasses of beer.
- Are you out having a good time?
No, on a pilgrimage to St. Cornelius.
- My head always hurts.
So does mine,
but that's because of those men.
That's enough now. Don't start again.
Where are you from?
- Us? We're from Sichem.
It's the annual fair there soon.
Yes, party time.
And the girls are lovely there, too.
Almost as lovely as you.
What's your name?
- That's one of my favourite names.
My name is Hein.
Give those men there a drink.
- Cheers.
That's what I like to hear.
Go on, have a drink.
On the gent.
To the socialists.
- To the socialists, Rosette.
Hein, what are you saying?
- Don't interfere.
You're girl crazy. I'll tell Liza
you're seeing another girl
and father
that you've become a socialist.