So you came to the fair.
- No, I'm still at home.
Look, a frank. They gave it to me
at home. Can you change it?
No, I haven't got any change, either.
- Didn't get anything, I suppose?
I'm going to buy a knife.
- Do they sell revolvers?
Stupid little boy.
Well, Liza, where's Hein?
Is it over?
- He had to play in the brass band.
Are you enjoying yourself?
Yes, it's OK.
Have you been on the merry-go-round?
- Yes, but it's for little kids.
I suppose you're too grown up?
- I go to work already.
True. You'll be coming
to work for us regularly now.
And if there's a problem,
come and tell me.
I'll help you.
- I'll be OK.
I'm sure you will be.
- Still. You never know.
But don't tell father, eh?
- No, it'll be just between ourselves.
Go and enjoy yourself.
Wait a moment.
Here, a couple of cents.
There's only one fair a year.
Is he touching someone for money again?
Not at all. I wanted to...
- I asked her for some money.