
Hobson! Did you see that?!
She stole that tie!
lt's a perfect crime!
Girls don't wear ties.

Although some do. lt's not a perfect
crime, but it's a good crime.

lf she murdered the tie
it'd be a perfect crime.

Why are you so happy
about all this?

The man following her
is a security guard.

We've got to be calm!
lsn't she beautiful? Jesus!
May l ask what have
we to do with this?

l beg your pardon, miss.
l'm the security guard
in the store.

You don't need the badge.
No customer would
wear that jacket.

l must look in the bag.
l saw you put something in it.
You got trouble, mister.
You'll never work on the East Coast
again. What's your name?

She's sensational!
She does have a certain
Eleanor Roosevelt quality.

What's your address?
The address, Chester!
l'm not fooling!

l saw you put a tie in that bag!
What did you say?!
All right, that's it!
l want a cop!

Get me a cop!
We need a cop here!

Don't move from where you are.
l don't want you out of my sight!
Get me a cop!
Get your hands off me.

l'm Arthur Bach.
l'll straighten this out.

Mr. Bach, you really should
stay out of this.

Well, he's in it, Chester.
Tell him, Alfred.
