l beg your pardon, miss.
l'm the security guard
in the store.
You don't need the badge.
No customer would
wear that jacket.
l must look in the bag.
l saw you put something in it.
You got trouble, mister.
You'll never work on the East Coast
again. What's your name?
She's sensational!
She does have a certain
Eleanor Roosevelt quality.
What's your address?
The address, Chester!
l'm not fooling!
l saw you put a tie in that bag!
What did you say?!
All right, that's it!
l want a cop!
Get me a cop!
We need a cop here!
Don't move from where you are.
l don't want you out of my sight!
Get me a cop!
Get your hands off me.
l'm Arthur Bach.
l'll straighten this out.
Mr. Bach, you really should
stay out of this.
Well, he's in it, Chester.
Tell him, Alfred.
l know this woman.
We're shopping together.
Where the hell have you been?
l'm sorry darling.
l got caught up.
She's a friend, Mr. Bach?
He just said that, Chester.
You're such a schmuck.
l asked her to pick out a tie.
l was going to put it on my bill.
-You didn't pay for it?
-l forgot. l'm sorry.
Chester, what can l say?
l had no idea.
May l look at the tie?
Oh, God, that's really lovely.
-l hope you like it.
-You're really wonderful.
Not in front of
all these people, dear.
They might think you're an animal.
Mr. Bach, you understand,
it's my job.
Would you ask the lady at
the counter to put this on my bill?
l'll take care of it, Mr. Bach.
Thank you very much.