What if l got him to bring it home?
And couldn't we rewrite it?
Change it?
Every change would mean a lot for us.
You know how to write it.
lt wouldn't seem so odd.
l'd say he brought it home and we
decided to make some changes up here.
-And l knew you already--
NED: No!
Forget it.
Why should Heather take half?
Nothing strange can happen
in his life now.
Not one thing out of the ordinary.
That's the most important thing.
lf it does,
the chances double that we get caught.
You'll get half of everything.
lt'll be plenty, no matter what.
We won't get greedy.
lf we do, we'll get burned.
You're right, darling.
l'm sorry.
l know you're right.
l know where he is.
lt's not far from here.
-l don't want you with me.
-l thought we settled that.
l'll wait in the car. . .
. . .but l want to take the risk with you.
We're both doing this.
What's the matter?
Can't think with music?