l know where he is.
lt's not far from here.
-l don't want you with me.
-l thought we settled that.
l'll wait in the car. . .
. . .but l want to take the risk with you.
We're both doing this.
What's the matter?
Can't think with music?
lt's like this, l said.
lt's fast, it's hot, it's simple.
You can use the clock
or rig it to something that moves.
lt starts big.
lt will go with just the mag chips.
You want a little more,
splash a little accelerator around.
ls it just regular gasoline?
Regular, unleaded, supreme.
Whatever you like, Counselor.
l got to tell you, though,
this mama has a big drawback.
lt's easy to spot.
Even after the meltdown,
they're going to know it's arson.
l don't care about that.
That's all there is to it?
No, that ain't all. You've got
to get in, you've got to get out.
You've got to pick the right spot,
the right time. . .
. . .and try not to get famous
while you're in the act.
lf that's all,
any idiot could do it.
l'm sorry.
l want to ask you something.
Are you listening to me, asshole?
Because l like you.
l got a serious question for you.