fIunkies, l don'tmind feedingthem,
but that'saIl.
I'm not sure l agree with you.
Maybe you're right,
butmaybe you're wrong.
Anyway, even if I am whatyou say,
I'm not theonly me - so there!
Your kid brother's up.
I'm coming, Nonodear.
him calIing his sister Mama...
What's my Nono want?
Something's under my bed.
That's no reason tocalI meMama.
And it doesn't flatter you,
being calIed Nono's mother...
and aIsogivingfoIks
awrong ideaof your age.
Whatta ya know - no moreduck.
Hehad a bad scare.
The poor thing.
I noticed.
Y'know what it was?
A moth.
Yeah, a poison moth.
Hey, that's my shirthe'sgot on...
and in shreds.
In shreds?
And he'sgota scratch too.
Must've been thatpoison moth, huh?
Don't chilI me, Lucien.
ChilI you?
I pronunciate right, don'tl?
What's he tryingtosay?
It'saboutyour job - puttingfoIks
in thecooler, youknow.