Hehad a bad scare.
The poor thing.
I noticed.
Y'know what it was?
A moth.
Yeah, a poison moth.
Hey, that's my shirthe'sgot on...
and in shreds.
In shreds?
And he'sgota scratch too.
Must've been thatpoison moth, huh?
Don't chilI me, Lucien.
ChilI you?
I pronunciate right, don'tl?
What's he tryingtosay?
It'saboutyour job - puttingfoIks
in thecooler, youknow.
If it wasn'tyou,
I'd betmy rightarm
some Iady ripped my shirt, no?
There yougochilIing me.
That looks great.
It couId usesome rum.
Rum! Rum! Quick!
BottIeof rum.
AIways rum in rice pudding!
Aren'tyoulate for work?
I'm looking for my hat.
It'son your head, jerk!
comeandtry the pudding with rum.