Coup de torchon

I kickhim back.
That way, we'reeven.

Turn around again.
Youdidn't folIow.

Just teIl me.
Who's in charge?
Turn around.
Did youunderstandthis time?
Yougottagive it backtwiceas bad.
But the pimps never kicked my ass.
It's the principIe.
- Right, Paulo?
- Youbet.

If a guy bugs you,
you bug himtwice as bad.

Otherwise it's likea statusquote.
Next time your two pimps startup...
Kick 'em hard in the baIls.
That'Il hurt!
Yougotta havegood shoes...
...with noholes in the toes.
If it wereup to me,
I'd rub 'em out.

- Pronto.
- One, two... in the teeth!

I wouIdn'tmiss theopportunity.
Damn straight!
Out of my sight!
TelI Marcel he's putme at ease.
Letus heIp you, Miss.
Nowthathe's told me
what todo...

Thanks to him, I'm covered.
Covered? How's that?
- Sure.
- Cordier...

What do youmean?
TelI him, he'lI understand.
Bye...gIad to meetyou.
