I wouIdn'tmiss theopportunity.
Damn straight!
Out of my sight!
TelI Marcel he's putme at ease.
Letus heIp you, Miss.
Nowthathe's told me
what todo...
Thanks to him, I'm covered.
Covered? How's that?
- Sure.
- Cordier...
What do youmean?
TelI him, he'lI understand.
Bye...gIad to meetyou.
Letme peeI it for you.
So... youtraveIing alIaIone
in Africafor fun?
I'mthenew schoolteacher
of Bourkassa.
That's afine profession,
a vocation, l'd say.
Thanks to you,
black chiIdren wiIl beabIe
to read their daddy's name
on French war memoriaIs.
Are you angry?