And no reason to let
MarcailIou getaway.
The trouble is he's Rose's husband.
Rose and me -that'saIl.
Butif I arresthim,
foIks'lIjump toconcIusions.
Let them. Do your duty.
Getrid of this poison trash.
And who's gonnagetrid
of them stinkin' privies?
AIl in good time, each thing in turn
and one after theother.
For thegeneraIgood,
MarcailIou first.
Then we'lIget
to your particuIar probIem.
If yousay so.
May God grantyou
thecourage youneed.
Those bastards...
they won't getme like that.
There boy, goand getit!
What brings you around here,
you turd?
Hands off my gun.
Youwon'tneed itany more.
I'vegota hunting license.
I was just going to see your wife.
We'regonna hit the sack
and do things younever did, jerk.
Africans hate a boring death...
hospitals, docs,
nursesand priests...
You, youwon'thave a boring death.