The main thing is the board.
The board?
Yeah, covering thathole there...
What if somebody feIl in
and brokehis leg?
It'd be your fault.
So, being as nobody did,
I'Il letyouoff this time.
Younever arrestanybody.
You'vegot toshowfoIks you're
brave, honestand hard-working.
Here, hoId this.
- I can't.
- Why not?
First, because l'm notbrave,
honestand hard-working.
And second, I don't think
my chiefs wantme to be.
How come?
WelI, they wouIdn'thave
picked meotherwise.
That's howI see it.
And no reason to let
MarcailIou getaway.
The trouble is he's Rose's husband.
Rose and me -that'saIl.
Butif I arresthim,
foIks'lIjump toconcIusions.
Let them. Do your duty.
Getrid of this poison trash.
And who's gonnagetrid
of them stinkin' privies?
AIl in good time, each thing in turn
and one after theother.
For thegeneraIgood,
MarcailIou first.
Then we'lIget
to your particuIar probIem.
If yousay so.
May God grantyou
thecourage youneed.
Those bastards...
they won't getme like that.
There boy, goand getit!