Then l won't eatafter the funeral.
It's Iamb stew.
Need help?
No, that's alI right.
Quit stuffing your face
and Iook after Rose.
Does thatreaIly suitme?
Widows Iook pretty...
it gives me ideas.
- A kiss?
- A big one!
Come look.
Come look.
They were kissing and petting!
Whatare yousaying?
I'm interlocuting!
What's got into him?
I saw'em, IteIl you -
in themirror.
What's going on?
Last time l try tocomfort somebody!
ItoId her to lay her head
on my shoulder.
Then l simply patted her
on the back.
My only friend...
believingthose lies.
Don'tbeIieve them.
They were...
alIover each other.
- Stop howling.
- I sawthem.
I sawthem.
I'm ashamed.
I'm going home.
- Are you Ieaving?
- After whathappened...
She loses her husband,
gets insuIted...