Come look.
Come look.
They were kissing and petting!
Whatare yousaying?
I'm interlocuting!
What's got into him?
I saw'em, IteIl you -
in themirror.
What's going on?
Last time l try tocomfort somebody!
ItoId her to lay her head
on my shoulder.
Then l simply patted her
on the back.
My only friend...
believingthose lies.
Don'tbeIieve them.
They were...
alIover each other.
- Stop howling.
- I sawthem.
I sawthem.
I'm ashamed.
I'm going home.
- Are you Ieaving?
- After whathappened...
She loses her husband,
gets insuIted...
It's natural she's upset.
This is awomen'saffair.
Come and powder your nose
for the funeraI.
So, my little Rose...
your heartmourns.
Notmy heart or anything else.
Remember Our Father's words:
Forgiveusour sins...
''As we forgiveothers...''
They're Iies that children learn
even if they don't believe them.
Why forgiveMarcailIou?
Youcan onIy forgive those you Iove,
even then...
Your Lord didn't say that.
Butyoudo beIieve in God?
Do you truly believe?
I believe, butnot truIy.