Can you excuse a poIe
for filIing a hoIe?
Itmay squash some rabbits,
but is it the poIe's fault
if it fits thathoIe?
Buta pole is an inanimateobject.
Aren't weaIl
moreor less inanimate?
What do youmean?
Who knows!
There'sa guy who won't die
in the war.
- Sad sight...
- Not for everybody.
Your brother shotat them.
I'm nota poIiceman, George.
I'm Jesus Christ...
in person...
senthere with a load of crosses
each bigger than the next...
I see...
Itry tosave the innocent...
but there aren'tany.
AIl crimes arecoIlective.
toeach other'scrimes.
WeaIl shotyour brother.
And maybe l did...
a bitmore than my share.
Now what?
I must'vegotten dressed
in thedark.
Do you knowthequestion
noonecan answer?
The big question?