Itry tosave the innocent...
but there aren'tany.
AIl crimes arecoIlective.
toeach other'scrimes.
WeaIl shotyour brother.
And maybe l did...
a bitmore than my share.
Now what?
I must'vegotten dressed
in thedark.
Do you knowthequestion
noonecan answer?
The big question?
When youscratch your baIls,
is it'cause they itch
or'cause it feels good?
I'vehad an exhausting day.
I get taken for aghost,
I drink ratafia,
I hear things said...
I know who kiIled my brother.
Youtold me...
Iforgot whatItoId you.
CouId yourepeat it?
Whatmatters is what
I didn't telI you.
What didn'tyouteIl me?
I saw your brother aIive
theday after themurder.