It's the best thing,
besides eating.
When youeat or sIeep,
you forgetabout the things
you can't soIve.
Think about it...
You'Il see l'm right.
It's not thinking l need.
Whatare youdoing?
I'm prayingfor strength.
Youthink it'Il work?
I'm so weak l couIdn't
stick my finger in a cherry pie.
It's working!
Thankthe Good Lord!
It's the IeasthecouId do.
God told me to kill them.
l wasn't sure.Jesus Chrlst.
Can anyone readthat?
No, Ma'am.
It's the beginning
of''La MarseilIaise''.
''ChiIdren of the Iand...''
''theday of glory's come...''
''the bIoody flag of...''