God told me to kill them.
l wasn't sure.Jesus Chrlst.
Can anyone readthat?
No, Ma'am.
It's the beginning
of''La MarseilIaise''.
''ChiIdren of the Iand...''
''theday of glory's come...''
''the bIoody flag of...''
Very good!
The rice pudding'sgone!
I restored myself...
before taking Rose home.
About timeshe'sgone.
Aren'tyoudone yet?
What's taking you?
I'm drinking my coffee.
If youonly botheredto look,
you'd see it's true.
Drink it somewhereelse.
You'reserving lunch in a bit.
So why should I getup now?
OK, stay there.
I'm goingto thehairdresser's.
How's shegonnaturn out?
YouspoiI my appetite.
Whatare theodds
that war'sdecIared?