Yes, it's dead.
We shall see.
Caela... orrida... aperere.
Open up, I say! Caela orrida aperere!
Salve, magister juvenilis.
I studied Latin. Greek, too.
Me apellant Elspeth, filiam Regis.
Filiam Regis? You're his daughter.
Please don't think ill of us.
Father is a wise
and even-handed man. He's...
What happened to you?
Nothing. Just some
of the King's even-handedness.
It... It's better
for everyone this way.
A king must protect his people.
Just as he protects his daughter.
What do you mean by that?
- Are you referring to the lottery?
- You know about the lottery?
I have participated in every
choosing since I came of age.
The whole kingdom knows that.
You don't have to pretend.
Not to me. Not down here.