Escape from New York

You go in, find the president
and bring him out in 24 hours,

- And you're a free man.
- 24 hours, huh?

- I'm making you an offer.
- Bullshit.

- Straight.
- I'll think about it.

- No time. Give me an answer.
- Get a new president.

We're still at war, Plissken.
We need him alive.

I don't give a fuck about your war.
- Or your president.
- Is that your answer?

- I'm thinking about it.
- Think hard.

- Why me?
- You flew the Gullfire over Leningrad.

You can get in quiet. You're all I've got.
I guess I go in one way or the other.
Doesn't mean shit to me.
Give me the paper.

- When you come out.
- Before.

I told you I wasn't a fool, Plissken.
Call me Snake.
Some of them have cars. They took old
junkers and converted them to steam.

They may have a gasoline source.
And power-rigged-up generators.

Some areas have street lights.
The crazies.

They live in the subways.
Complete control of the underground.

They're night raiders.
Tracer. Sends a radio signal for 15 minutes.
You push it, we can track you.
Just like Leningrad...
but they added a safety catch.

Where am I landing?
Top of the World Trade Center.
They won't see you
and you can take off from a free fall.

On the roof is a service elevator.
It's still operational.

We use it to infiltrate the prison.
There's a power box.
It'll activate the elevator down to 50.

From there on down, you walk.
You can locate the president
by his vital signs bracelet.
