Escape from New York

They may have a gasoline source.
And power-rigged-up generators.

Some areas have street lights.
The crazies.

They live in the subways.
Complete control of the underground.

They're night raiders.
Tracer. Sends a radio signal for 15 minutes.
You push it, we can track you.
Just like Leningrad...
but they added a safety catch.

Where am I landing?
Top of the World Trade Center.
They won't see you
and you can take off from a free fall.

On the roof is a service elevator.
It's still operational.

We use it to infiltrate the prison.
There's a power box.
It'll activate the elevator down to 50.

From there on down, you walk.
You can locate the president
by his vital signs bracelet.

Sends off a sig-pulse. Use this.
Homing device.
It shows direction and distance.

You need a strong antitoxin, stops bacteria
and viral growth for 24 hours.

- Take off your jacket.
- I'll be all right.

Let's go, Plissken.
I don't like needles.
22 hours, 59 minutes, 57 seconds.
We talked about 24.
In 22 hours, the Hartford
summit meeting will be over.

China and the Soviet Union
will go back home.

The president was on his way
to the summit when his plane went down.

He has a briefcase attached to his wrist.
The tape recording inside
has to reach Hartford in 22 hours.
