Escape from New York

Sends off a sig-pulse. Use this.
Homing device.
It shows direction and distance.

You need a strong antitoxin, stops bacteria
and viral growth for 24 hours.

- Take off your jacket.
- I'll be all right.

Let's go, Plissken.
I don't like needles.
22 hours, 59 minutes, 57 seconds.
We talked about 24.
In 22 hours, the Hartford
summit meeting will be over.

China and the Soviet Union
will go back home.

The president was on his way
to the summit when his plane went down.

He has a briefcase attached to his wrist.
The tape recording inside
has to reach Hartford in 22 hours.

What's on it?
- You know anything about nuclear fusion?
- All right.

It's the survival of the human race.
Something you don't give a shit about.

I'm going to inject you.
It'll sting for a second or two.

That's it, Plissken.
Tell him.
Tell me what?
That idea you had
about turning the Gullfire around

and flying off to Canada.
What did you do to me, asshole?
My idea, Plissken.
Something we've been fooling with.

Two microscopic capsules in your arteries.
They're already starting to dissolve.
