I know that... I talk like you, Le Glaude, you taught me!
But up there, you have leaders, don't you, in your ant-hill?
We have a Comittee of Heads...
five renewable heads...
Well, when you'll have a drink up your nose...
You'll be the head of all the heads...you'll be the...
Oh...with all your stories you've completely screwed up my mind. I'm pooped!
I won't see you off...leave the barn open...
Au revoir, My Glaude, you're a good guy!
You too, my old "Denrée"!
Oh, you'll be back soon...?!
Yes, my Glaude!
Hey, La Denrée...don't forget my "louis" has a return address...!
But...but... I'm telling you...
it... it was 3:00 a.m....and...
and... and...
One, two, three...
Well... what about it?
OK, let's go!
Yes...as I was saying, it was 3:00 a.m....
as I felt a pressing need...
I run out into the garden...
and what do I see?
a...a flying saucer!
Yes... but it wasn't like the one of the other day...
and then a man stepped out of it, holding a milk can...
and Le Glaude, he was there...
I mean Mr Ratinier, as you call him...