Onofrio, this is the right time.
I have found evidence of two more
miracles. There are ten of them now!
Now I can really have the beatification
of Quartina instituted.
Uncle, not again
with Quartina!
She's our ancestress,
but why should she become a saint?
Whatever she foretold
came true within twelve hours!
- What came true?
- It's all here. Read.
- What? - Here's the money,
Marquis. - Hand me a tray.
- What did Quartina do?
- One day she was stung by a thorn
while picking up
the roses for the altar.
She said: "You didn't want
to offer yourself to the Holy Virgin
and you will die before night".
- And?
- The day after that rose was dry.
- Roses do get dry!
And when cat scratched her, she said:
"May you be cursed,
may you die before sunset."
And the cat died before sunset,
while eating some fish.
Perhaps blessed Quartina
brought bad luck!
Riccio', give me the tray.
Here Riccio', this one is ready.
Mr. Marquis!
I am sorry good people,
I didn't mean to hurt you!
Here are some "paoli"
to refund you all. Here.
Damn you!
Once they're cooled off,
they'll pick them up!
Now we are even.
Let's go to see the Pope.