- Glass of milk, Norman?
- No.
See ya broke
the screen door, Charlie.
It's just missing its little
"thingamabobbers" for the hinges.
- I could bring ya a couple from town tomorrow.
- Just be careful next time.
- Here it is, Norman. Drink it.
- Thank you, nurse.
Finish your coffee over here.
There you go.
- What ya got there, Norman?
- I have no idea. I can't open it.
Here. Bite this, please.
- Oh, just his medicine.
- Oh, goody. What a swell surprise.
Nothing serious.
Just for his palpitations.
That's right, Charlie.
I have occasional heartthrobs.
Norman, we got
a letter from Chelsea.
Look at the
goddamn Orioles!
Baltimore's always
been a sneaky town.
Norman, she's coming
for your birthday.
Oh. How nice.
Yep. And she's bringing a friend.
She has the nicest boyfriend.
- Oh?
- They're coming together.
Then they're going on
to Europe for a while.
Oh, really? I don't want crowds of people
coming to my birthday.
I don't want crowds of people
watching me turn older.
Wait a minute.
It's not that Freddy person.
This is a different boyfriend
What the hell's going on?
Detroit's disappeared!
Good God!
- What is it?
- Detroit's gone!
What happened to her husband?
What is it, Charlie?
I was wondering what happened
to Chelsea's husband.
It didn't work out.