Whoa! Oh!
- Here, let me get...
- No!
All right, come on, Dad.
Big rolls here. You can beat him.
- All right.
- Big rolls.
- All right!
- Two threes. What does that mean?
It means doubles,
which always means you get 14, ya see?
You just send me home
and get 20 more, for God's sake.
All right, Dadders!
- Good.
- Excellent. You're a natural.
Startin' to regret
teaching you this game.
Chels. Hey, Chels.
Parcheesi pro.
Chelsea doesn't like
playing games.
We don't know why.
Probably doesn't like losing.
I tend to panic when
the competition gets too intense.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Nothing.
We play serious Parcheesi
around here.
I let Norman win every week or so
just to keep his spirits up.
Ah, ha, ha, ha.
What I'd like to know is
why you enjoy playing games.
- Huh?
- You seem to like beating people.
I wonder why.
You get another chance, Bill.
Another roll of the dice.
Well, here's
my little early bird.
Are you having fun?
That's why you come to camp,
you know... to have fun.