Hey, Norman?
Are you afraid
of dying?
Are you afraid to die?
What the hell kind
of question is that?
I was just wondering,
that's all.
Well, I don't know
why everybody...
has to talk about
everything all the time.
Let's go home, boy.
Are you sure we're gonna
be able to get out of here?
Course we can.
Pull up the anchor.
Get up on deck.
All right,
get back here.
I forgot you're
a hotshot boat driver.
Here, you take the wheel
and I'll navigate.
Well, you know...
I'm not afraid
to do this.
I know. Just take us real slow.
Do what I tell ya.
Okay, turn her over.
All right,
take it forward.
Now give her
a hard left.
Okay. Port.
Okay, good.
All right,
starboard again.