- Oh! I got married in Brussels.
- You did?
In Brussels?
- He makes me very happy.
- Well, good.
Does he speak English?
- Bill... I married Bill.
- Bill? Oh, Bill!
I'm glad, Chelsea.
That's "san frantastic."
- What?
- Is Billy gonna be living with ya?
- Uh-huh.
- Well, good.
Isn't that something?
Good for you.
You know something?
I got him doing
the back flip just like a pro.
Oh, yeah?
That's great.
- Want me to get him down and show you?
- No. Not right now.
Okay. Oh, that's right.
You never were a great back flipper, were you?
I was always
too fat, remember?
Yeah, I do
remember that now.
Well, probably
a lot easier for a boy.
I beg your pardon.
- Do you want to see me do a back flip?
- Huh?
I am gonna do
a goddamn back flip.
you don't have to.
I want to!
Make sure you go up,
not just back.
Up and back.
Oh, I'm scared.
Nothing to be scared of.
The back flip is one of the easiest dives of all.
- I'm scared anyway.
- Don't do it.
It doesn't matter
if you don't do the stupid dive.
It's not important.
I did it!
She did it!
Chelsea did a back flip!