Keep the monitors on for two weeks.
-And the detonators?
-They were found.
I don't know.
The foreman reported them found. . .
. . .then told me to forget about it.
Nelson, we're talking about
nuclear detonators.
You just don't lose them
and then find them.
You lose your comb, then find it.
Not detonators.
I want to know where they were found
and who found them. Get it?
Good for you, Nelson.
Slater, what about the incident
in the mine elevator?
Nothing much to tell, Sarge.
Some cupcake named Cane decided
he didn't need an environment suit.
They're still sponging him
off the elevator walls.
He was alone. Nobody near enough
to have thrown him in.
Some guys tried
to get into the airlock. . .
. . .except he'd sealed it.
No way it was homicide.
-Had to have been a suicide.
-Did he leave a note?
I beg your pardon?
Did he leave a note?
None that we know of, sir.
Then how do you know it was suicide?
There's no other explanation.
He knew what he was doing,
that's for sure.
You can't fall into an airlock
and then an elevator.
You have to open hatches,
press buttons, close hatches.
It's the only explanation.
Thank you.
Okay. Fanning.
-What about the pump station?
-Just a fight.
We took them both in to cool off.
They straightened out soon.
-Pretty quiet.
Couple of calls about noise.
Nothing much.
Who ordered all these pressure packs?
This is a mine, not a war.
-You did, doctor.
-I said 1 00. Not 1 ,000.
I said 1 00, which can't be mistaken
for anything except 1 00.
It doesn't sound remotely
Iike 1 ,000. Listen!
You'll hear what I mean.
One thousand.