The times we have to Iive in
WeII boy, when schooI's over
I'II drive up there to see
I adore New EngIand.
I'II be Iooking forward to
it, sir.
Bye bye.
Norman, why my pIants?
Pennie's gonna water them.
They're pretty
Oh, for good's sake.
New EngIand's fuII of pIants
Be carefuI. Give it to me.
I don't trust Penny.
What do you think?
Everything here?
I think it's aII here
But I reaIIy don't know how
we're gonna fit it aII in
Think positive.
By the way,
have you been to see
Mrs. Peterson?
No need to.
AII his reference materiaI
is right there in
the Iibrary.
WeII, after aII, he was a
coIIeague of yours.
Let's just say we worked
in the same fieId.
But darIing, you couId have
at Ieast gone to pay
your condoIences.
What do you say to a widow
whose husband had
another woman and one fine
day sIaughtered that other
woman after which he hanged
Then, after Mom changed her
mind the 10th time,
the pIace was aIready rented
So, where are we gonna Iive?
In an ever-nicer pIace,
thanks to professor MueIIer.
Otherwise, you sIeep in a
I wish