I was thinking about Charlie.
You know, he came in here
scared of his own shadow, homesick.
Used to cry himself to sleep.
I was betting he wouldn't last
the first week of orientation.
You'd call "Right face"
and he'd go in the other direction.
And by Thanksgiving he was calling cadence.
Never got a hit in inspection.
He turned out to be a tough little kid.
Always so eager to please.
It's getting close to dawn.
That plebe year, it's a tough time.
Yeah, it is.
Some of them, like Charlie, thrive on it.
I did. I... I thrived on it.
I can't remember why any more.
I was thinking about that basketball game
we played, one on one, last winter.
It was so cold,
hurt to breathe, and your fingers
could barely feel the ball, you know.