It's getting close to dawn.
That plebe year, it's a tough time.
Yeah, it is.
Some of them, like Charlie, thrive on it.
I did. I... I thrived on it.
I can't remember why any more.
I was thinking about that basketball game
we played, one on one, last winter.
It was so cold,
hurt to breathe, and your fingers
could barely feel the ball, you know.
There was no net on the hoop.
We were always arguing the other's shot
didn't go in. Laughing and acting crazy
It was so dark you couldn't see the ball
against the backboard. I love that feeling.
We'll have a rematch, one on one.
It's gonna hurt like hell to leave it all behind.
No one leaves it all behind, Brian.
We're gonna take it with us.
Were they just words?
Honour, duty, country?
I loved that man.
Being in his presence
made me feel privileged.