Trite, rhetorical,
clich?d, inane.
Viewers don't pay
much attention to that, Damien.
No, you're right. And there won't be
much attention to that bullshit either.
I said I wanted action, not words.
I wanna see Thorn at work.
A thousand starving kids
clamouring for a bellyful of Thorn soya.
Thorn medical teams,
construction, engineering.
Instead of which, you spend half the
commercial giving us a third-grade version
of the history of the Ice Age.
Do we have footage of
the Australian drought relief?
Sure, but nothing new, and most
of it's been seen on TV already.
We'll find you something. In the
meantime, go with the old commercial.
I don't want that one used.
-What have we got coming up?
-Botswana next week, then the Aswan Dam.
-Can we get a film unit to Botswana?
-Sure, but no relief
unit till after the coup.
-No one's sure how long that's gonna take.
-All right. It'll have to be the Aswan Dam.
Have a film unit there when
it goes. Make sure they
give our relief units coverage.
Don't let the Red Cross beat them to it.
Why don't you go?
Now that would be a real coup.
Damien Thorn
supervising relief work in person!
No, I've got to stay here.
-What for?
-To be on hand when
the president calls me.
He's gonna offer me the post
of ambassador to Great Britain.
-I beg your pardon?
-Are you familiar with
the Book of Hebron?
No, I don't know anything
about the Book of Hebron.
It's in the Apocrypha - one
of the more obscure backwaters
of the Septuagint Bible.
"And it shall come to pass
that in the end days
the beast shall reign one hundred score
and thirty days and nights."