Oh, blessed Saviour,
who hath, through the confession
of thy departed servant Father Spiletto,
revealed unto us the identity
of the Antichrist here on earth.
Grant us thy strength and guidance
in our holy mission,
that we may rid the
world of Damien Thorn
and thus ensure the safety
of thy Second Coming.
Oh, Lord,
bless these seven sacred knives
from Megiddo,
which thou hast seen
fit to return unto us,
that they may serve their holy purpose
and destroy the Prince of Darkness,
even as he seeketh to destroy
thy child of light.
I now call upon each of you
to come forward
and arm yourselves in
the name of the Lord.
Brother Martin.
Brother Paulo.
Each of us must pray to our Lord
in the silence of his own soul.
Since we are prepared to lay down our
lives in the pursuit of this enterprise,
we must seek
final absolution from God now,
Lest we be denied the redemption
of the blessed last sacrament
at the moment of death.