even as he seeketh to destroy
thy child of light.
I now call upon each of you
to come forward
and arm yourselves in
the name of the Lord.
Brother Martin.
Brother Paulo.
Each of us must pray to our Lord
in the silence of his own soul.
Since we are prepared to lay down our
lives in the pursuit of this enterprise,
we must seek
final absolution from God now,
Lest we be denied the redemption
of the blessed last sacrament
at the moment of death.
Above all, we must ask God to grant us
courage, guidance and strength,
as we prepare to do battle
with Satan and his son, the Antichrist.
The exact hour of our Lord's Second
Coming, for which centuries have wept,
has now been revealed to us
by signs in the heavens.
It is imperative that the
destruction of the Antichrist
takes place before then,
and we have but a short time
in which to carry it out.
My brothers, remember that
these seven daggers and ourselves
are all that stand between
the son of Satan and the Son of God,
for they alone can destroy him.
-Can't quite place it, can you?
Waiter, let me have a look at
the label on the bottle of
wine we're drinking, will you?