A constant reminder to me
that the flesh is weak.
Don't give me that pious crap. Not after
that raffle at the Holy Innocents last year.
Fixing it so that Sonny O'Meara's daughter
got that new Studebaker.
No wonder you gave him such a big hello.
What did you get out of that?
Sonny's vote on the planning commission.
It got the property condemned
for the new school at Holy Innocents.
If you'd mentioned Cornelia Cronin,
you'd have saved yourself a Studebaker.
Corky, they call her.
She's a bookkeeper for him
and she broke her back on Sonny's boat
when Mrs Sonny was making a retreat.
He prays better on a boat, Sonny,
is what I hear.
Corky gets $500 a month for life...
- Excuse me, sir.
...for the limp.
- This is on my tab, waiter.
- Yes, sir.
It's all right, Jack.
No, Monsignor.
Your money's no good here.
I'm sorry. Jack, this is my brother, Tom.
- Jack Amsterdam.
- How are you?
I haven't had the pleasure.
He's got the family resemblance.
That's nice.
It's nice to have an older brother.
I wish I'd had an older brother.
I don't hear from you about Rancho Rosa.
We're doing some new surveys, Jack.
We'll talk about it soon.
I see. His Eminence get the invitation
to my fund-raiser at St Veronica's?
- Tell him I'm counting on him.
- I will.
- Nice to meet ya.
- Likewise.
He's a winner, your brother.
And only the winner goes to dinner.
I like that. You hear that, Monsignor?
Only the winner goes to dinner.
Runs in the family, brains.
I used to work for you.