It's all right, Jack.
No, Monsignor.
Your money's no good here.
I'm sorry. Jack, this is my brother, Tom.
- Jack Amsterdam.
- How are you?
I haven't had the pleasure.
He's got the family resemblance.
That's nice.
It's nice to have an older brother.
I wish I'd had an older brother.
I don't hear from you about Rancho Rosa.
We're doing some new surveys, Jack.
We'll talk about it soon.
I see. His Eminence get the invitation
to my fund-raiser at St Veronica's?
- Tell him I'm counting on him.
- I will.
- Nice to meet ya.
- Likewise.
He's a winner, your brother.
And only the winner goes to dinner.
I like that. You hear that, Monsignor?
Only the winner goes to dinner.
Runs in the family, brains.
I used to work for you.
Oh, yeah? When was that?
When you ran whores,
I was your bagman in Wilshire Vice.
I did the payoffs for Brenda.
I'm sure you remember Brenda.
Of course, that was before you started
doing fund-raisers for St Veronica's.
I gotta be going. Your brother is a little
disturbed. You oughta watch out for him.