- May I help you, young man?
- Mrs Phil Spellacy. I know the way.
- Wait. She's receiving Communion.
- May all your sons be Jesuits, Sister.
... et Spiritus Sancti, descendat super te
et maneat semper. Amen.
Who is that come in, Monsignor?
- Is that you, Tom?
- Yeah.
Brought me something?
- Good to see you. How are you?
- Bad breath, Thomas.
- Are you still constipated?
- Every day.
The monsignor here
recommends the castor oil.
And listen to the monsignor, Thomas.
You remembered my favourite colour.
What's this orange bow on here?
He has grand grammar.
Always had to wash your mouth out
with soap. The dirty words.
Ma, let's forget about that, OK?
Wouldn't it be grand if you had turned out
to be a nun like the younger one?
I'm a priest, Ma. I think I'm a priest.