- There.
- Thank you.
- Will there be anything else, sir?
- No.
Hi, Grandma Rudy!
How good to see you!
Just a few more hours to lift-off.
I'm very excited, Simon.
- Guess this is a first for you.
- No. I've been excited before.
Ted, what are you doing here?
- Are you on that shuttle?
- Both of us.
When we return,
we're getting married.
Elaine, it has to be stopped.
Ted, the invitations
have already gone out.
No, the flight must be stopped.
Come on, sweetheart.
Simon, give me a moment
with Ted alone.
All right. You've got
exactly 10 minutes till we board.
I'd watch my step if I were you.
Ted, this whole thing's
all in your mind.
You should have never
left the hospital.
Elaine, whatever happened to us?
Ted, I guess I'll always love you,
but I need Simon.
He's stable and a good provider,
and I need that.
He doesn't run away
from every challenge.
He doesn't let every little setback
eat him up inside.
Now goodbye, Ted.
Gentlemen, I'd like you
to meet your captain... Captain Oveur.