Cat People

you feel it is so important
that it starts to drive

your shooting,
your lighting, your editing.

Now we're back in New Orleans.
This is the real zoo,

we didn't bring
any elephants into the backlot.

That is out there in the zoo,
and this is still New Orleans.
Now we're on the backlot again.
Ed Begley had been
in two previous films I did,

Blue Collar and Hardcore.
And he'll get his shortly.
This shot, as you can imagine,
was done many times
to try to get each one of these
animals to act on cue.

To get the wolf to come out
when you're passing,

to get the chimp to go,
to get the cheetah to look at you.
The human here was relatively easy.
This is on location in New Orleans.
This was not a gift shop,
we commandeered a building
and made it into a gift shop.

This is a tricky shot
because you're inside,

you go outside, you come back inside,
and right there, on his back,
you'll see what cinematographers
will recognise - an iris shift -

because of the change from light to dark.
