Hello, this is Paul Schrader.
This film, Cat People,was made right after American Gigolo.
It was offered to me.
Universal was doing remakesof a number of their classics,
they had also done The Thing.
I thought it'd be interestingto make a film that I didn't write -
this was written by Alan Ormsby -
and that was a genre film.
It didn't quite turn out that way.
It ended up being as personal,or more personal,
than any of the films I've done.
The original scripthad a very conventional ending
and the final film has
one of the more bizarre endings in films.
The most important nameon the credits, for me,
is a man named Nando Scarfiottiwho was a very dear friend,
who I had brought over from Italyto do American Gigolo.
He wasn't yet in the union,
that's why he's calleda visual consultant.
He had worked for Bertolucci
on The Conformistand Last Tango In Paris
and went on to get an Oscarfor The Last Emperor.
He was
very, very influential
on this film.
He had the power to walk on the set
and stop shooting and consult
if he didn't think it was going right.
This whole credit sequence was his idea.