Yeah, Granddad was a real Rockefeller.
lt's important.
l wouldn't come otherwise.
l don't like to see you,
so you know it's got to be very important.
Get off.
l despise you, and yet l'm here.
Get off.
lt's funny. You know, when l was
a little kid l always wanted a brother...
...and l told that to Mom once.
And she said, ''You have a brother.''
And l said, ''Oh, that's who the asshole
in the other bed is.''
lf l had my way,
l'd just date Elyse all my life.
-Hey, watch it, pal.
-Just date her.
l personally like dating.
-What are you doing it for?
-l've been datin' Elyse for five years.
l have no choice. You know how girls are.
Security and all that.
They need that thing, that marriage thing.
What am l watching?
The movie just started
and l don't know what's going on.
lt's symbolic.
Who's that guy?
That's Death walking on the beach.
l've been to Atlantic City 100 times
and l never saw Death walk on the beach.
Kids did this.
lt's a sacrilege for Christ's sake.