Right. Good night.
You look like you
need discipline, slave.
I have to go, really.
We're having a friend to dinner.
Lick my boot, pig!
James' office called.
He'll be here in 15 minutes.
-Hello, baby.
-Where's Paul?
He's busy with the Marquis de Sade,
so I thought I'd get it on with you.
-No, thank you.
-That's all you're gonna say?
You won't help my ego by telling me
you got a weird pussy disease?
You get out of here!
Come on, honey.
Listen, don't be that way.
Under these expensive clothes
is a real lonely human being.
So come on, be nice to me!
Be nice to me!
No! Get off me!
Help, Paul!
Paul! Help me! No! No!
Get him off me, Paul!
Paul! Paul, stop it!
You killed him!
-You killed him!
-He's dead. He's really dead.
-Oh, shit! That's all I need.
What will we do now?
We can't call the police this time.
I don't know what to do.
Let's put him in the hallway
by the swingers' place.
They'll think
he fell down accidentally.
Mary, look at this.
This guy is a junior officer
at the Bank of San Fernando.
He must have $600 here.
"Ed Folsely Jr.,
Credit Card Division."
Think he's the one
who cancelled our credit card?
What are we gonna say?
Take the money and put that back.
The police may go through the wallet
and find the money missing.
Leave a little money,
and they don't mind.
I don't wanna leave any of it!
This guy threw up on our carpet.